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AmCherry 15/20 cook (strawberry chocolate pie) ver-2

AmCherry 15/20 cook (strawberry chocolate pie... by amcherry Yum  

Lazy red apple purple grape fruit and spice shrimp salad Cooking quickly.Devil Lazy Bone Cooking Video Channel

Lazy red apple purple grape fruit and spice shrimp salad Cooking quickly.Devil Lazy Bone Cooking Video Channel

Simply buy the apple, grape fruits,spice, shrimp from market .

Firstly boil some shrimp few minutes then add tiny salt, spice

Secondly cut the grape fruit, apple into piece

Thirdly mixing salad sauce with some lemon juice , spice to enrich the flavor and color.

Then I like to put tiny red chili powder to enhance the dishes!

Finally put some vegetables as base ,and mix all the ingredient with salad sauce , well done!

Sure! it is simple cooking idea for any lazy girl when you hungry for some fresh salad especially on summer!

It is lazy girl AUTHENTIC cooking trick!

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